ProFuture Faith: The Prodigal Species Comes Home – Additional DVD
This product is a single additional ProFuture Faith DVD set. This set is licensed under the original ProFuture Faith Curriculum Edition purchase.
Featuring eco-theologian, author, and TEDx speaker, Rev. Michael Dowd, ProFuture Faith is a dynamic eight-session DVD and internet-based course that bridges the gap between head and heart, science and faith. The basic format for each 1 – 1-1/2 hour session includes conversation around the readings, a 20-minute video presentation and guided discussion. DVD and internet-based discussion.
ProFuture Faith: The Prodigal Species Comes Home — 8 sessions
Having “squandered our inheritance on profligate living,” we are a prodigal species. Industrial civilization and our insatiable appetites have us hurtling toward irreversible consequences – not in some distant future, but right now. The good news is it’s not too late. At the intersection of science, spirituality, and sustainability is a deep love of life and a passion for our posterity – a ProFuture Faith. Join eco-theologian, author, and TEDx speaker, Rev. Michael Dowd in a dynamic DVD and internet-based discussion course that bridges the gap between head and heart, science and faith. Participants will be guided on a journey that accepts what is inevitable, avoids what is futile, and be inspired to attend to what is urgent. Come home to reality. Embrace a ProFuture Faith!
Purchase of ProFuture Faith includes a one-year license to use the downloadable/printable participant reader and facilitator guide. At the end of the first year, the license to use the written materials can be renewed annually for $30.00. Please see policy page for additional information. This DVD program is not closed captioned.
Attention International Customers: This product is only available in NTSC format. Please verify that your DVD player can read/play NTSC formatted DVDs prior to ordering. Thank you!

Michael Dowd (1958 – 2023)
was a bestselling eco-theologian and pro-science, pro-future ‘evangelist’ whose work was featured in The New York Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Newsweek, Discover, and on television nationally. His book, Thank God for Evolution, was endorsed by 6 Nobel Prize-winning scientists, noted skeptics, and by religious leaders across the spectrum. Michael delivered two TEDx talks and a program at the United Nations. He and his wife, science writer and climate activist, Connie Barlow, spoke to some 2,500 groups across North America since 2002, including nearly 500 UU churches. Rev. Dowd also conducted two acclaimed online conversation series: “Evolutionary Christianity” and “The Future Is Calling Us to Greatness.”
Part 1 — Coming Home to Reality (4 sessions)
- Un-Trivializing God — Reality as Thou — (20 min)
- The Purpose of Religion and Necessity of Science — (20 min)
- The Epic of Evolution — A Cosmic Timeline — (20 min)
- Thus Sayeth Reality — What is Inevitable; What is Needed — (20 min)
Part 2 — Practical Wisdom (4 sessions)
- Thus Sayeth Reality — What is Futile; What is Urgent — (19 min)
- Why We Struggle — Un-Trivializing Mythic Wisdom — (20 min)
- Impermanence & Death as Sacred — Embracing Limits — (17 min)
- Staying Sane, Sober and Inspired in Contracting Times — (21 min)