Resourcing Progressive Christians

All-Church Book Study Bundle (24 Copies) Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity


By David M. Felten and Jeff Procter-Murphy
Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: HarperOne (A division of HarperCollins)

Book includes discussion guide. Single unit book orders can be placed via HarperCollins, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever books are sold. Also available on Kindle, Nook and iBook.



(Book Retail Price=$17.99/BookClub Bundle Price=$12.00 per book, plus s/h)
Bringing together the voices of top Bible scholars and church leaders — including Diana Butler Bass, John Dominic Crossan, Amy-Jill Levine, Brian McLaren, Helen Prejean, and John Shelby Spong — pastors David Felten and Jeff Procter-Murphy present a lively and stimulating tour of what it means to be a “progressive” Christian. Based on the bestselling dvd course of the same name, Living the Questions explores matters many churches are afraid to address including the humanity of Jesus and homosexuality, and examines in a new light traditional faith topics such as the Bible, atonement, salvation, the rapture, and more.