Tex Mix – Digital Edition
Purchase of Tex Mix: Stories of Earthy Mysticism with Tex Sample includes the digital program along with access to the downloadable/printable discussion guide. You will find a “Downloadable Discussion Guide” tab on this page. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a Digital Edition. When payment for your order has been received, you will be sent an email from info@livingthequestions.com with the subject heading “Your Living the Questions order has been received.” The message will contain your order details and a link to the digital (mp4) files. If you do not receive the email, please check your email spam folder. If the message is not there, please contact us at info@livingthequestions.com so that we may resend the information to you.
This resource includes Tex’s introduction to storytelling and a downloadable guide with points to ponder, related Scripture texts and discussion questions. Program price includes the stories in digital format (mp4) and on-going access to the downloadable discussion guide. This worship resource is not closed captioned.
You’ve heard of tall tales – Tex definitely has a few of those. But these tales are more on the order of deep and wide.
20 tales tailored for your teaching, preaching, and devotional use with Tex Sample – the consummate storyteller (including ten stories from LtQ2).

Tex Sample
Former Academic Dean and Emeritus Professor of Church and Society at the Saint Paul School of Theology, Sample is a freelance lecturer, workshop leader, consultant. His books include Ministry in an Oral Culture: Living with Will Rogers, Uncle Remus, and Minnie Pearl, and co-editor of The Loyal Opposition: Struggling with the Church on Homosexuality. He is currently the coordinator of the Network for the Study of U.S. Lifestyles.
Downloadable Discussion Guide
To open/save the file to your computer, either left-click on description to open, or right-click each description and select “Save as”.