Resourcing Progressive Christians

Unbound from Yesterday’s Fears…

Spong Ground of Being

“If God is the ground of being, as I believe God is, then the only way you and I can worship God is by having the courage to be all that we can be — in the infinite variety of our humanity. Whether we are male or female, gay or straight, transgender or bisexual, white or black or yellow or brown, left-handed or right-handed, brilliant or not quite so brilliant.

No matter what the human difference is, you have something to offer in your own being.  Nobody else can offer what you have to offer.  And, the only way you can worship God is by daring to be all that you can be and not be bound by the fears of yesterday.”

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The retired Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, John Shelby Spong is one of the featured contributors in several Living the Questions series. He is a columnist and author of over sixteen books including Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism and Why Christianity Must Change or Die. Lecturer at Harvard, Humanist of the Year, and a guest on numerous national television broadcasts including The Today Show, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, and Larry King Live, Bishop Spong continues to write and lecture around the world. His newest book is The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic. 


  1. Phillip Iversen on March 15, 2013 at 7:18 pm

    Bishop Spong is controversial for his liberal viewpoint, but a couple years ago he spoke at our church in Fountain Hills and delivered the most inspiring message I have ever heard.  I have a DVD of that sermon and play it over and over.  I never cease to marvel at the beauty of his message.  Phil


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